Take a look at what I've been working on!

Landing page for Miya

Pet Social Project

Pet landing page with JavaScript quiz built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Weather app image

Weather App Project

Responsive weather app built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using OpenWeather API.

Pomsky website image

Pomsky Website

Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap using rapid prototyping process with Figma.

Potato website image

Madame Potato

Pair coding with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to market a potato kit website. I am particularly proud of the video jumbotron ☺️

Latte web image

Latte.io Blog

First group Full-Stack project. API Built with Node.js, Express, deployed with Heroku. Client built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript, hosted with Netlify.

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Gaming Habit Tracker

Gaming habit tracker group project built with EJS, Node (Express) and CSS with MongoDB Atlas using IGDB video game database API. Login and authentication done through JSON Web Tokens. Developed in Docker and deployed via Heroku. Client pages served through EJS.

Anime react image

Random Anime Generator

Random anime generator solo project built with React, CSS and JavaScript using Jikan API as a database of anime. Features to be added: search bar, review system.

Quiz Pro Quo image

Quiz Pro Quo

Multiplayer quiz game built using MongoDB Atlas, Express.js, React, Node.js and socket.io. OpenTriviaDB API used to generate random questions according to user-selected difficulty and categories. Players can join on multiple devices and chat in the lobby. High scores are written to the database and shown on the leaderboard.

FullFill image


Full stack portfolio project built using React, Django, and PostgreSQL. A platform that connects volunteers and food banks- essentially Facebook Groups specifically for volunteering. Built as part of a 5 person team for our final project at futureproof.

React weather app image

React Weather App

Weather app built with React. I used the OpenWeatherMap API to get the current weather, Unsplash API to get a random background image, and Google Time Zone API to get the time zone.

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Winner of Lloyds Banking Group x Athena Community 2022 'Journey to Net Zero' Hackathon and Best Sustainability Hack in SustainHacks 2022 sponsored by Avanade. E-Commerce platform allowing businesses to compare the carbon emissions of different ingredients from different suppliers. React and MaterialUI for the front end, Django for the back end, and PostgreSQL for the database.

study perks image


Second Place Overall Winner of EduHacks 2022 hosted by MLH and Best Use of Google Cloud award. StudyPerks is a co-studying web platform that lets you exchange your time studied for perks. React and custom CSS For the front end, Firebase for the back end, and Firestore for the database.

Presidium Platform image

Presidium Platform

Winner of Hays CodeCo x Presidium Network Tech for Good Crisis Zone Hackathon 2023. Presidium Platform is an end-to-end prototype platform that aims to help Presidium Network manage their end users, operational hubs, donors, suppliers and delivery teams in areas of conflict. It is a web application that is built using React and Django.
